Safe Haskell | None |
- data Key = Key Key
- data Point
- = Position Float Float
- | Velocity Float Float
- | Acceleration Float Float
- data Turret = Turret {}
- data Direction
- data TankState = TankState {}
- data Tank = Tank {
- tankState :: TankState
- score :: Float
- color :: Color4 Float
- currentWeapon :: Int
- weaponCount :: [Integer]
- data Tile = Tile {
- tilePosition :: Point
- isObstacle :: Bool
- data GameState = GameState {
- tileMatrix :: [[Tile]]
- tankList :: [Tank]
- weapon :: [WeaponGraphics]
- chance :: Int
- noOfPlayers :: Int
- isAcceptingInput :: Bool
- data Weapon = GenericWeapon {
- currentPosition :: Point
- currentVelocity :: Float
- launchVelocity :: Float
- launchAngle :: Float
- velocityMultiplyingFactor :: Float
- currentAngle :: Float
- impactRadius :: Float
- isLaunched :: Bool
- hasImpacted :: Bool
- launchDirection :: Direction
- data WeaponGraphics = WeaponGraphics {
- weaponPhysics :: Weapon
- bulletColor :: Color4 Float
- turretColor :: Color4 Float
- bulletRotation :: Vector3 Float
- turretThickness :: Float
- lengthOfTurret :: Float
- tileMatrixRowSize :: Int
- tileMatrixColumnSize :: Int
- widthOfTile :: Float
- heightOfTile :: Float
- widthOfTank :: Integer
- heightOfTank :: Integer
- powerIncrement :: Float
- angleIncrement :: Float
- isIndexInRange :: [a] -> Int -> Bool
Type to represent a point in two dimensions, where each constructor specifies what the point is for
Position Float Float | |
Velocity Float Float | |
Acceleration Float Float |
Type for representing the properties of the turrret of a tank
Turret | |
Type to specify the direction, left or right. Used by weapons and tanks
FacingLeft | |
FacingRight |
Type to represent the state variables of a tank
TankState | |
Type to represent a tank in the game
Tank | |
Type to represent a tile in the tile map of the game
Tile | |
Type to represent the state of the game
GameState | |
Type to represent the weapons in the game
GenericWeapon | |
data WeaponGraphics #
Type to represent the graphics properties of a weapon
WeaponGraphics | |
Show WeaponGraphics # | |
tileMatrixRowSize :: Int #
Number of rows in the tile matrix
tileMatrixColumnSize :: Int #
Number of columns in the tile matrix
widthOfTile :: Float #
Width of a tile in the tile matrix
heightOfTile :: Float #
Height of a tile in the tile matrix
widthOfTank :: Integer #
Width of the tank in terms of the number of tiles
heightOfTank :: Integer #
Height of the tank in terms of the number of tiles
powerIncrement :: Float #
The amount by which the power changes per key press
angleIncrement :: Float #
The amount by which the angle, in radians, changes per key press
isIndexInRange :: [a] -> Int -> Bool #
Function to check if the current index is in the range of the tile map or not